Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Trailer Research

From looking at various trailers on YouTube, and looking at different types of movies both in class and in our free time, we came to decide that the genre of movie we thought would be most effective and entertaining would be a Teen Horror.
Although it may be something that is quite difficult to make, we thought it would have the biggest impact on the watching audience and would be most likely to capture the attention a lot more of that of a Romance or Comedy.
We realised that we are quite lucky with locations as most of the places around campus are spooky looking and have an eerie feel to them. This is much to our benefit as it means finding locations whilst filming will be a lot easier than if we were anywhere else.
A movie trailer that I was looking at on YouTube which was quite inspirational was “Cry Wolf"

I found the trailer interesting as it seemed to be quite popular and was put together in an interesting but yet simple way. The plot was believable as it wasn’t too complicated to carry out and I thought that doing something like this, simple and interesting would be beneficial to us.

Another trailer that I looked at was “the Season of the Witch” starring Nicholas Cage. This trailer showed much greater complexity but was still along the same lines of what we are looking to produce. The locations for this trailer were obviously much more advanced and there were a lot of things in this that we would have found difficult to do in our own trailer. However it was good to look at this and pick out various different ideas that gave us a contrast between other teen horrors.
All together we think that our Teen Horror trailer will be both interesting and exciting to watch. If we do start filming and decide that what we have chosen is far too complex or will be difficult to complete, we could always change either the story line and how complicated we have made it to produce, although we will try to keep it simple whilst still being entertaining.

Posted by Sonia Routledge

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