Wednesday 17 November 2010


Due to a few changes in the storyline we will be re filming some of the footage as we thought the filming was boring. There will be change in location shots maybe actors/actresses. The trailer may be more mature and intelligent as the story has changed. As a result this may not only attract young teenagers, but also older generations of people. This is a positive change as we are trying to maximise our capacity utilisation.

We realised that the filming was quite boring. We were unsure how to illustrate our story in the trailer, therefore we decided that we will re film our footage for a few reasons such as the changes in the story line (that will be posted by Henri Yueksel). Also our group did not use the tripod very effectively therefore making the footage groggy and unprofessional. When we were filming we did not use the key conventions of filming such as close up shots, pan, low/high angle shots and tracking shots. We decided that the film would be much more appealing to people if it was more realistic as it is a teenage horror/thriller based genre.

We will try and learn form our mistakes and include all of the above shots and conventions.

Posted by Sultan Mackinnon
Candidate Number 3641

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